Welcome | Fáilte
Ever since Ardnamurchan High School and the Sunart Centre were opened in Strontian in 2002, there's been a Three Lochs Book and Arts Festival every two years. Our most recent was slightly delayed due to Covid-19, but took place on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th September 2021.
Over the years a varying team of dedicated volunteers have given up days of their time to bring some of the best authors, musicians and artists to our community, so that we could experience hearing them speak and listening to them perform without travelling to the 'big city' to do so. We've kept the Festival small and intimate, without commercialisation, and everyone who's attended, without fail, whether participant or customer have enjoyed it.
Over the past few years our team of volunteers has dwindled and we simply don't have enough time currently to organise a Festival. We've decided to put it on hold for a while, and perhaps a new team of enthusiasts will step forward in a year or two and pick up where we've left off.
Please enjoy looking through the archives on here. The Facebook page will be kept going and will provide a forum for any questions or discussions.
Thank You.
Veronique Walraven, Chair

Three Lochs Book and Arts Festival is a registered charity, regulated by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
Our charity number is: SC 046316.